Callisto Radar Pu​lse Analysis Software

The Callisto Radar Pulse Analysis Software has been developed to allow Radar Pulse Descriptor Words (PDWs) to be processed, filtered, analysed and visualised easily and quickly. Originally designed to complement the Teledyne Defence & Space family of receiver-based systems and products including the Phobos Threat Warning System, Instantaneous Frequency Measurement (IFM) and Digital Frequency Discriminators (DFD) based receivers, PDWs from third-party receivers can also be imported into Callisto for analysis.

  • Radar PDWs from Teledyne IFMs, DFDs 
  • Radar PDWs from third party receivers ​


Features & Benefits

  • Easy to use interface for radar deinterleaving and analysis 
  • Isolate single illuminations from many individual emitters 
  • Multiple user-configurable display modes 
  • 2D / 3D Scatter– Configurable X/Y/Z axis 
  • 2D & 3D – Polar displays 
  • Waterfall display 
  • Live capture & viewing of PDWs 
  • Open input & output data formats (PDW, CSV, XML, TAB) 
  • Compatible with multiple receiver types 
  • Export emitter definitions for database library / simulators 
  • Stereo and Surround Sound audio playback of PDWs 
  • Floating licenses available for cost effective use across multiple terminals
Minimum System Requirements
  • Processor: Intel i7 or better 
  • Memory: 4GB or higher 
  • 8GB or higher 
  • Operating System: Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 10 
  • Ethernet: 1 Gigabit (for live PDW streaming) 
  • Minimum Disk Space: 50MB



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